Post by Teh Entar-NickI'll check the fallback fonts in the CSS and make sure that the page
looks reasonable with them. Does your distribution of choice have PT
Sans and Bitstream Charter packaged?
Oh, I don't let sites set their own fonts. I don't yet trust freetype
with unverified third-party input, and besides the ubuntu and ubuntu
mono fonts look pretty good in just about all situations. Why not just
say when you want a serif font, when you want sans, and let me choose
the ones that look best for me?
Last I checked (and I don't use non-Linux systems
much, so this could be out of date) a lot of people's
computers have lousy system fonts. So I'll go
with this:
font-family: "Vollkorn", "Bitstream Charter", serif;
font-family: "Source Sans Pro", "PT Sans", sans-serif;
That'll give you (1) my chosen typefaces for
third-party-content-allowing users and those
who have installed Source Sans Pro and Vollkorn
locally (on Fedora,
yum install vollkorn-fonts adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts
and you should be set), (2) a fallback to decent
ones for people who are into privacy but might be
a little behind on fonts and (3) just plain "serif"
and "sans-serif" for you.
The one I'm not sure about is PT Sans -- it might
not be common enough to be worth it.
And for anyone not blocking third-party content,
here's a bonus link:
Black Hat: Ad networks lay path
to million-strong browser botnet
Don Marti +1-510-332-1587 (mobile) Alameda, California, USA