[linux-elitists] Evil in certain broadband marketsa isn't really evil
Rick Moen
2013-07-31 00:07:50 UTC
(As Nixon's press secretary Ron Ziegler used to say, 'That statement is
no longer operative at this time.']

Now That It's in the Broadband Game, Google Flip-Flops on Network Neutrality

By Ryan Singel
1:55 PM

In a dramatic about-face on a key internet issue yesterday, Google told
the FCC that the network neutrality rules Google once championed
don't give citizens the right to run servers on their home broadband
connections, and that the Google Fiber network is perfectly within its
rights to prohibit customers from attaching the legal devices of their
choice to its network.

At issue is Google Fiber's Terms of Service, which contains a broad
prohibition against customers attaching "servers" to its ultrafast 1
Gbps network in Kansas City.

Google wants to ban the use of servers because it plans to offer a
business class offering in the future.
Don Marti
2013-07-31 12:38:11 UTC
Post by Rick Moen
Now That It's in the Broadband Game, Google Flip-Flops on Network Neutrality
Douglas McClendon sounds like our kind of people.

I posted this in a thread on this topic on another
mailing list where some relevant Google people are
also active:

Thanks to the CFAA, violating your ToS is a _felony_.

I understand that you want to use plain language, and
not be "lawyerly", but if you're a ToS writer, Federal
law has been outsourced to you, and you have to deal
with it. (CFAA reform is a separate issue--I'm just
talking about the law as it stands now.)

How can you tell people, "you're party to a legally
binding contract that can put you in Federal prison
if you violate it, but go ahead and break it, off
the record we're fine with that"?

It's as if someone interrupted the office Nerf gun
wars to take your Nerf pistol and hand you a real
gun -- and you kept playing.
Don Marti +1-510-332-1587 (mobile)
http://zgp.org/~dmarti/ Alameda, California, USA